


Before the inception of Ubinodes, we operated under the name Love4aviation. Established in 2007 as an aviation importing company in New Zealand, our foundation was steeped in a century's worth of industry experience. Over time, our operations expanded globally, collaborating with businesses across the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France.


Throughout this journey, a realization dawned upon us – our passion extended beyond aviation. We had a passion for consulting and international trade that surpassed the aviation sector's boundaries. Consequently, the transformation from Love4aviation to Ubinodes was born.


Within Ubinodes, we orchestrate diverse consulting projects, fostering a network among consultants. This network operates on the bedrock of consensus-based agreements, ensuring the legal integrity of transactions between nodes. The allure lies in the multifaceted array of services that can be rendered to diverse clients, propelling exponential growth.

The distributed network architecture minimizes developmental constraints on Ubinodes. This intricate network facilitates seamless information dissemination, formation of edge networks, efficient resource allocation, and a marked acceleration of consultancy services' progress.



Even though Ubinodes is a blockchain and crypto based marketing company specializing in international trade, we also offer several services along the way.

Without any doubt, Ubinodes is renowned for its in-depth research works.  

Our research works vary ranging from applications, operating systems, hardware devices, down to other business-related subjects.

Most importantly, our primary objective is to present thorough analysis and valuable insights from an objective business standpoint.

With a primary focus on serving the needs of businesses and professionals, our articles provide targeted information tailored specifically for this audience.

We test applications, operating systems, and hardware devices. 

  • Does it add value to your organization?
  • Does it increase reach to your audience?
  •  Is it frictionless for users to adopt?

Industries We Cover

We conduct in-depth research and cover several industries like

  • Marketing

  • Scientific meta-research

  • Blockchain

  • Finance

  • Regulation

  • Security

  • Communication
Our dedicated team delve into these fields to give you valuable insights to make informed recommendations that will grow your business.

Whether you need assistance in optimizing your marketing strategies, or you want to break into a new international market, we're here for you.


All research results are published as articles on our website(s) under the Copyright European Union Public License, version 1.2 (EUPL-1.2).